
Richard thomas
Teacher Maths
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Teacher Maths
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Roger gracia
Teacher Maths

A teacher with a good sense of humour and subject knowledge. He used to split the concept and teach my child. This made the topic easy to learn. This is what I wanted, this is what I got. Thank you Flipclass. Thank you Roger
Axay 1 Hour ago

Here's what our happy customers have to say....

Teacher Maths

One of the best teachers I have come across who has helped my child like the subject – Math. It was a delight watching a Math Research scholar get down to the basics, and teach my child mathematics. Thank you so much Ma’am.
Ram 15 min ago
Mukesh Kumar

Teacher Maths

A teacher with a good sense of humour and subject knowledge. He used to split the concept and teach my child. This made the topic easy to learn. This is what I wanted, this is what I got. Thank you Flipclass. Thank you Mr. Mukesh